Friday, January 2, 2009

2009 Resolutions

So as neophyte as I claim to be, I find myself continuously doing otherwise... in this example posting a list of new years resolutions. Well, then so be it and maybe you'll see a Rx for this in my list.

Another night with my "influence" and another blog... trend or just coincidence?? No comments yet, so maybe you're questioning the raison d'etre de c'est l'enfant? Split personality... curious yearning... plea for attention??? Whatever the reason, I have a voice and feel it worthy of sharing, so pass your judgement and read on (because I know you sick lil puppies are all waiting for the moment I go all "play-by-play" and talk about a day-in-the-life-of).

I've begun work on one goal and you're reading it. I share my thoughts and dreams with "Johns", however I'm sure you know how far that gets me. my dear monkie has given me the gift of the world. Even if I get no replies, I get a soapbox that I never had. When a gal spends a good part of her day looking up, she has a lot to think about. This platform allows me to get those grandiose thoughts out of my head and room to grow... and also allows me to cache those thoughts and back to the task at hand.

My second goal is to do more introspective spelunking. I know this collection will do so (granted I continue), however I want to expand on it exponentially by taking a step physically parallel to those done so mentally. I get out mainly to make ends meet. I have yet to truly explore this new community and my own world more so. As much as I enjoy the pleasure my profession provides, I yearn for a more complete fulfilling picture I know I'm currently missing.

Finally, I want to learn a new skill(s). I think this should be a goal for everyone, but I gotta start small, so I'll preach to my own choir before I enter your place of worship. Whether it be something as simple as re-discovering the art of parallel parking or something more grandiose, I want to push myself to new limits. Don't take this as a subtle dig to my profession, as I enjoy making a living doing what so many of you yearn for (and are willing to pay for). I'm reverting to my all-encompassing view in that we should all push ourselves to learn what so many of us already know. True cross-training. My crosshairs are dead set on candystriping.

Should this "experiment" continue, we'll all share in the daily fruit of a tart. The ongoing question being who benefits more.

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