Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Have I screamed "wolf" enough that now no one gives a shit when I disappear? Is it really what I want unconsciously? How does one remake them self and is it possible for me?

All questions that have been rattling 'round the peanut gallery over the last few days.

In other news... I'm getting closer to the end of "In Cold Blood" and and much like "The Stranger", the underlying concept of human disconnect seems to be playing out in real life. Granted, both novels also revolve around murder, which is "not playing at this cinema", but the fact that the two books I just so happen to pick up and maintain interest in contain characters with a waning interest in their fellow man is not lost in coincidence.

Skipping to weather... I know that without drink, I'm generally a pretty introverted (emotional time bomb) person and with, I'm fun for a limited time until I inevitably drown sensibility and become "SuperFuck"... Which ties back to the lead-in and convinces people to grow tired of the schtick and move on past the accident.

As you can tell from my rambling... This isn't the most thought out post, but its been that kind of period where I need to see my thoughts on paper and don't feel like FB is the proper channel.

Whether I follow through and re-medicate myself or see how life in a self-imposed exile plays out is yet to be determined, but these are uncharted waters and I'm hoping that by leaving some floating bits behind... I can find my way back, if that's what's in the cards.


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Sunday, July 21, 2013

I am the loveless beast

Becoming more and more withdrawn and alienating. Starting to feel like a Radiohead song... Faint eerie background with a rushed heartbeat, all narrated by Thom Yorke's unmistakable wail. From drunkenly roaming dark city streets to short-term self imprisonment, I feel like a loveless beast that people abhor, with good reasons.

posted from Bloggeroid

Monday, July 1, 2013

Something About Mondays...

Contemplation... About the speed of time as I age... About what I'm becoming (and what I haven't)... About the "observation" that white girls with naturally black hair seem to have a higher degree of "diva" than those without... About today's music generally sucking the ass of that which I heard growing up... About the temperature difference between my living room and my porch... About my evolution from a "boobs guy" to an "ass man" (one is far harder to fake than the other and I'm all for natural beauty)... About the fact that a majority of my posts come on Monday... About the rancid smell of stale cat urine... About seeing a new shade of color, simply by having a zen moment with nature... About finding a better purpose for Mondays than sitting around and pissing and moaning about them.

Happy Monday
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