Monday, August 16, 2010


most of my posts are poetic ramblings that make sense to gifted woodland creatures and myself, so i thought today, i'd post something legible. a lot has happened in the past week that if gone unsaid, would fester in me and defeat the purpose of my blogging or would come out in an incoherent, jibberish that would again, do nobody any good.

i've come to find that i'm fairly consumed with hate... not your run of the mill disdain or bile-inducing anger, but pure, unadulterated, hate. i've known for sometime that i'm severely lacking in this ability some have called "forgiveness" and i'm fully aware that my intolerance speedometer does 0-60 faster than most foreign sports cars. yet, in the past couple weeks, i've come to discover that i may actually qualify for a little known disability known as "heartlessness" or the lack of "feeling".

some symptoms include: defriending facebook friends with little disregard, cutting ties with a neighbor's cat i felt didn't buy into my mode of living by "showing him the door" and closing it behind him and blatently telling my baby-momma i hate her and nothing she could do or say would change what she's said or done.

this disdain for humanity in some ways keeps me motivated, knowing that some think their compassion will win out and some think i'll crack over time, as most do to ease the burden that daily hatred places on most souls. knowing i'm able to hate on with little disregard allows me to fester and build my foundation of hatred towards those that plot against me. razors cut like paper through thin skin.

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