Tuesday, February 3, 2009

today, tomorrow and five minutes later

Tuesday night. Thinking. Alone. Alcohol. If there ever was a trend, then this is the perpetuation of one. A graph of my activity would nosedive on Monday and Tuesday with the occasional rise being a result of having a couple extra bucks and the Olde English Brewing Company making a sale in a predominantly white community. No news on my cousin's cancer and no progression on my affliction of kitchen cleanliness. In all honesty to myself and to you - the reader... all is in God's hands, so my opinion is to share my concerns while making myself a better resource to my fellow man.

Tonight, I want to discuss the demise of my creativity. I'm not quite sure when it passed, although I'm sure it was a peaceful and serene event because there haven't been many exciting or stressful events as of late. I have fleeting thoughts of something that warrants writing and like a fart in the wind, it dissipates with little effect on me or my surroundings. I know I had something that I felt was of interest to someone about an hour ago, however after watching Fringe (my new fave show), the impulse and the ensuing action went their seperate ways, leaving me here discussing the awkward remnants.

This has become the coming and going of my day... thought --> interrupting activity --> drooling --> post-synapitic clean-up --> REPEAT.

I've stated in an earlier posting that sometimes I wish I could find a way to manage severe depression without meds and live in the mental turmoil that bubbles with mental anguish/creativity... however that's not exactly conducive to functional normalcy in today's world and I'm sure the boys would eventually grow tired of my virtual parenting via video conference from the psych ward. The wonderful thing about blogging/internet/social-networking is that even this bit of boredom can be transformed into a 2 minute read for someone searching on "Trilobites".


Unknown said...

TV kills creativity...that's the plain and simple of it. I'm glad to see you're a big liar though...your blog is filled with it. Worried about the alcohol mention...hope you're ok. Call if you need me!!!

Unknown said...

i beg to differ. due to the "digital transition" i had to creatively find the best position for my antennae to pick up RetroTV and the A-Team. us alcoholics maintain while some others complain. in the end, we all will refrain.