Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sophie's Eyes

After a late-night, post-coital discussion with a recent "John", I've decided to start this collection of observations. You can call it a blog, however I prefer to shun the norm (although blogging about this sort of puts me back in the status quo today).

I'll dedicate my initial posting to my inspirational "John". And for someone who gets an "inspirational" credit, I think said "John" is also worthy of a pseudonym, which I'll fondly borrow from his online moniker - monkie. We'll call him monkie for it's cute, fuzzie, monchichi-like nature.

monkie, who I'll describe as a down-on-his-luck lonely soul with good intentions and poor fortitude, has a number of obvious issues, yet is able to functionly avoid attention. He's a single father and he's alienated himself from a good part of the outside world to focus on his parental duties and self-loathing. He came across me in an online forum and after some initial IM humor, we struck up a conversation on relationships in an increasingly virtual society. After divorcing, he's primarily met people online via dating sites, chat rooms, and social networking communities. Being a woman who makes her ends meet via the same channels, we obviously initially had a lot in common.

After some additional chatting, we discussed business and decided upon logistics. Unlike some folks who tend to live a fantasy life through their online personas, I found monkie to be a fairly straight-forward person. We initiallly shared some photos and online fodder prior to allowing our early conversation to proceed to it's current state and from what I saw, I wasn't surprised with any new material upon our face-to-face meeting. After a number of drinks and introductory banter, we fornicated and I decided to call it a night then and there.

I'll leave the door open here and finish my preliminary notes after our next appointment.

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